Punch holders are very critical parts of a press brake. There are different types of punch holders in terms of punch fix place. There mainly 2 types called Universal puch
Author: orhan@pressbrakecenter
Back Gauge FingerBack Gauge Finger
We supply backgauge fingers for all press brake brands and models. You can ask directly with brand and model, or you can send us photos for your querries.
Used Amada HFT 80-25 CNC Retrofitted Press BrakeUsed Amada HFT 80-25 CNC Retrofitted Press Brake
This amada press brake CNC controller is retrofitted with a Step Automation SA10+ CNC controller. Brand: AMADA Model: HFT 80-25 Year: 02.11.2001 Force: 80 Ton Length: 2500 mm Axis: Y1,
Lineer Scale For PressbrakeLineer Scale For Pressbrake
We are supplying lineer scales for all length and all brand of pressbrakes and all controllers brands as Step Automation, Cybelec, Delem, ESA etc. We are reselling following brands: Atek
Servo Valve Amplifier CardServo Valve Amplifier Card
In the past the servo valves was very popular on pressbrake upper table control. The controllers was capable to drive these servo valves directly. Nowadays proportional valves are used in
DU 6000 are produced by Cybelec SA as a customized product for Durmazlar. DU-6000 is based on DNC60PS controller but it has larger screen than DNC60PS. Cybelec SA company stopped
Retrofitting Press Brake ControllerRetrofitting Press Brake Controller
Whatever the brand of your broken pressbrake we have retrofit solution for controllers. Repairing of broken CNC controllers can be too expensive and long down time for your pressbrake. We
Touch Screen for ModEva PacTouch Screen for ModEva Pac
15 inch touchscreen lcd tft colorfull screen.
RF-BVK-S1 Pressure Valve Amplifier ModuleRF-BVK-S1 Pressure Valve Amplifier Module
Pressure valve module is used on press brakes to create pressure. This is a converter board, adjusting valve output current in a range 0-1 Amper depending control signal at analog